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Funnels That Convert


Funnels That Covert will help you to understand all the elements that go into a converting and profitable digital marketing system for your business.

From understanding what a Funnel is (It’s more than just an opt in page!), to the importance of knowing your ideal customer or client to fill your pages with copywriting that connects, and after the click actions with emails you will soon have the confidence to launch your own funnel that converts.


We are going to cover the most common funnels:

  • The simple 2 page funnel for Lead Generation

  • Evergreen Webinar Funnel

  • Application Funnels

  • Low Ticket Offers (Self Liquidating Offers)

  • Two-Step Funnel

In this training, we'll dive into various types of funnels and discuss when to use each to achieve your marketing goals. It's also critical to understand your funnel's metrics, identifying bottlenecks and areas where prospects might be dropping off. For instance, the issue might not be with the ads themselves but rather with the first page's inability to encourage opt-ins, or perhaps the email subject lines aren't compelling enough to prompt opens.

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