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Invisible Ad Funnel


This Playbook is your golden ticket to mastering Facebook™ ads with a strategy that’s as affordable as it is effective.

It's no secret that Facebook™ wants to keep people on their platform and when you incorporate the Invisible Ad Funnel - you are doing just that while getting in front of potentially thousands of people every day.

This Playbook is all about an ad strategy where you can run Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads from $1 a day, targeted to your ideal clients, bringing them into your Invisible Ad Funnel strategy for a grand total of $10 a day. Over 90 days, you will keep growing your audience, raising awareness for you and your services, and establishing your authority in your niche in a way that traditional methods like billboards, pamphlets, radio, and TV ads can't match.

By following this Playbook, you’re embracing a strategy that builds lasting relationships with your audience. It’s a smart, sustainable approach to visibility and engagement, ensuring your brand not only reaches but resonates with your ideal clients.

You may have spoken to business owners who have invested in Facebook™ Ads and likely heard a variety of outcomes - from wildly successful results, lackluster return on investment, or “Facebook ads don’t work”.

Chances are they haven’t had a Playbook like this to support their efforts! Advertisers tend to run to Facebook™ and focus on the most expensive campaigns. Conversion campaigns and rightly so. They want leads and sales!

Facebook™ ads DO work when a magical mix of offer, messaging, ad copy, creative, targeting, and Funnels all work together. And when you want to double down on leads and sales with the most competitive and expensive campaigns, you need to ensure you are set up for success. And let’s not forget to make sure we check Meta ad policy to create COMPLIANT ads!

Purchase this playbook and get your Facebook ads launched TODAY.

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