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Build A List Of Buyers


If you're keen to explore digital courses, this is the place for you. Whether juggling clients as a service provider or starting your business journey, this program aims to enhance your business with more success and simplicity.


You’ve probably heard that you need to ‘build a list’.


And it’s true. You do. Social media, especially, is a fickle place. It’s like renting a house and the landlord can kick you out at any moment and change the locks. So you’re told to create a free “lead magnet” to build your list.  But what you are NOT told is that only 20-30% of people on your list will open your emails. So that takes a list of say, 1,000 people down to 200 people opening your emails. 

You don’t want to just build a list.  


You want to build a list of BUYERS.

In this program you’re not just going to learn how to create a digital resource. You are going to learn how to create an offer that will attract the right audience, and build a QUALITY list who wants whatever you are offering and is designed to maximize sales while serving your customers and clients.


Consider this your guide to turning your expertise into a business that gives you time-leveraged freedom.


We'll learn how to connect with your audience genuinely, sell ethically, and celebrate every win. By the end of this program, you'll have a clear understanding of digital courses, how to create one designed for sales, and the confidence to launch your own.


Ready to get started? Let's create something great together!

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